Over 15% energy savings for landmark CBD building

Angas Securities House, 26 Flinders St, Adelaide



EfficientSee was involved in the first South Australian Building Upgrade Finance (BUF) project for 26 Flinders Street (a 16-storey commercial building in the CBD of Adelaide).

A detailed Level 2 energy audit was undertaken by experienced auditors and engineers at EfficientSee® who also prepared specifications and gathered quotes from contractors to feed directly into the financial feasibility analysis.

It resulted in several key projects including Power Factor Correction, Lighting upgrades and a Solar installation elevating the building’s NABERS star rating. It resulted in energy savings of over 15%.


Customer exposed to volatility in energy market and needing to increase pricing security.


  • 16-storey building
  • 10,413 m2
  • Solar Photovoltaics – 29.97 kW / 111 panels
  • 1,532 fittings and bulbs changed to LED equivalents with sensors and switching throughout all common and tenanted areas
  • Power Factor Correction improvement from 0.85-0.98


Level 2 Audit leading towards South Australia’s first successful BUF project. BUF is commercial finance product that can assist to deliver improved building performance and heritage upgrades, offering superior product features such as up to 100% upfront finance that does not impact on existing Capex budgets of building owners.

Key Services

  • Energy Audit
  • Business Case Development.
  • Specification development.
  • BUF preparation.
  • Grant application



  • Donation to Run to RED


  • 127 tonnes CO2-e


  • Over $10k grant funding awarded.
  • Over 15% energy cost savings reduction.
  • Increase NABERS rating creating uplift in asset value.

The security of our business against the volatility of the electricity market has been increased significantly, with an immediate benefit of the works being a reduction in maximum demand from 680 to 538kVA which has resulted in significant cost savings. The majority of the BUF repayments have been offset by power cost savings. The BUF will be paid off in full over ten years.

John Culshaw, former Owner

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